Utility Valve Boxes

Data Sheet


AMPro Gas Roadway Valve Boxes with Locking and Sealing Lids are all-plastic valve boxes, designed and constructed for use both in roadway and behind-the curb applications. The locking lids prevent displacement or removal by traffic or unauthorized persons, and contain seals to prevent dirt, debris, or insects from entering the valve box. The entire valve box is light in weight and easily transportable by a single individual. It is designed to allow simple adjustment of height within its normal range, and by cutting one or both of the pipe segments, it is capable of adjustment over a very wide range. One valve box can be stored in inventory which is capable of adjustment from 32 inches to 72 inches in height for 6" valve boxes, and from 15 inches to 72 inches for 4 inch valve boxes.

AMPro Gas Roadway Valve Boxes are made in two basic models. The 4" Valve Box is made for applications up to 4" service pipe, and may be used in trench depths up to 72 inches. The upper section of the valve box is made of 4" PVC pipe, with a full-flange service ring allowing 4" access hole to the valve. The base has a standard cutout for 4" pipe. The design of this box is slip-top construction, with a set-screw to hold the box at the desired height. Adjustment is smooth and simple. The set-screw holds the top and bottom in the desired position for backfill and casting of the service ring, but will prevent any surface loads from being transmitted to the pipe.

The 6" valve box is designed to work in trenches up to 72 inches in depth, and with service pipes up to 8" in size. The full flange service ring is sized to match industry standard 562 lids. Included with the valve box is a locking and sealing lid. The base is wide enough to fit 8" valves, and has cutouts for 2", 4", 6", and 8" pipe. The top section is made of 8" PVC pipe, and has a minimum opening at the lid-seat of 6", for access to the valve or extension stem. The design of the 6" box is a screw-top assembly, for ease of fine-adjustment to road grade. The design also incorporates a slip joint in the lower screw thread. This prevents any possibility of a load being applied to the pipe from the road surface. This also allows for the valve box to be adjusted over a much wider size range.

Special Features
Locking Lids. All AMPro valve boxes contain locking and sealing lids as standard features. The lids are locked by turning a standard pentagon bolt in a clockwise direction until resistance is felt. Unlocking is simply turning counterclockwise. Integral elastomer seals around the lid perimeter prevent dirt, debris, or insects from entering the valve box. All lid bodies are molded from ABS/Polycarbonate alloy polymers for high strength and wear resistance. Seals are made from Kraton G elastomer. Both materials are among the finest available for long and durable service. Components below the service ring are molded from white materials, to allow better visibility of the valve.

  1. Locking Lid bodies and full-flange service rings are molded from ABS/Polycarbonate alloy. This material is black for UV resistance.
  2. Seals are made of Kraton G elastomer, with added black for UV resistance, and built-in modifiers for weather and ozone resistance.
  3. Bases, adjustment threads, and adjustment collars are molded from medium impact white ABS polymer.
  4. Cylindrical sections are standard PVC schedule 40 pipe.

All AMPro products are warranted for 10 years against defects in materials and workmanship. If any AMPro product fails within 10 years for reasons attributed to defects in materials or workmanship, they will be replaced, or the customer will receive full credit, at the discretion of AMPro. Customer will be responsible for freight associated with replacement.

Applicable Tests

Surface loading - Per AASHTO H20-44

Maximum required load (rear axle) 16,000 Lbs.
Test specimen capacity 33,200 Lbs.
Water lid tested is same as Southwest Gas lid - only different engraving

Lid and Full-flange Service Ring Material Properties

Tensile Strength ASTM-D-638 7700 PSI
Flexural Strength ASTM-D-790 12000 PSI
Compressive Strength ASTM-D-695 9000 PSI
Izod Impact (Notched) ASTM-D-256 12.00
Hardness (shore) ASTM-D-2240 R-115
Defl. Temp (66psi) ASTM-D-648 260 deg. F
Specific Gravity ASTM-D-792 1.13

Tube Material Properties

Tensile Strength ASTM-D-638 5900 - 7500
Flexural Strength ASTM-D-790 10,000 -16,000
Compressive Strength ASTM-D-695 8,000 -13,000
Izod Impact (Notched) ASTM-D-256 18
Hardness (Shore) ASTM-D-2240 Not Avail.
Defl. Temp (66 PSI) ASTM-D-648 R135 - 180
Specific Gravity ASTM-D-792 1.30 - 1.58

Base & Thread Material Properties

Tensile Strength ASTM-D-638 5500 - 7500
Flexural Strength ASTM-D-790 7100 - 13000
Compressive Strength ASTM-D-695 8000 - 12,500
Izod Impact (Notched) ASTM-D-256 6.2
Hardness (Shore) ASTM-D-2240 R102 - 115
Defl. Temp (66 PSI) ASTM-D-648 192 - 225
Specific Gravity ASTM-D-792 1.03 - 1.06

Seal Material Properties

Tensile Strength (Die C) ASTM-D-412 464 PSI
Hardness (Shore A) ASTM-D-2240 40 Shore A
Specific Gravity ASTM-D-792 1.17
Compression Set ASTM-D-395B 9%

Manufacturing In-House QC consists of the following steps:

  1. All molds for injection molded parts are test run, and resulting samples are approved for fit and function by in-house engineering and applicable customers.
  2. Production parts are visually examined at the molding machine by machine operators, sampled for fit at assembly stations, and visually examined at shipping for defects. Non-conforming parts are removed from production and ground up.
  3. Production materials are ordered by vendor specification, and are examined upon receipt for conformity. Non-conforming materials are shipped back to vendor.
Product Advantages
AMPro Valve Boxes with Locking and Sealing Lids offer lightweight valve boxes which are easy to install. Both styles of boxes are easy to adjust for height, and simple to cut-out the desired pipe-entry opening. The Sealing lids keep the valve box clean at all times, and resist entry by insects of all kinds. The Locking function will resist entry by any unauthorized individuals, yet is easy for maintenance personnel to actuate. Cost is competitive with other boxes which do not have the quality features of AMPro boxes. In addition, one size box of the larger size range can be kept in inventory, and can be adjusted by field crews to any desired height. This can minimize inventory! The 6" valve boxes have been designed with extra large openings at the top for easy access to valve extensions.

These boxes are new, and are custom designed to meet the needs of Southwest Gas. Because of this, there are no existing customers for reference. The Locking Lids are a design extension of Non-Pop Lids which are currently in use throughout the country. For reference, the cities of Chandler, Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona, Scotsdale, Arizona, and Dade County, Florida are all users of Non-Pop Lids. The Locking Lids as used in Valve Boxes are currently being tested in Scotsdale, Arizona, Mesa, Arizona (Gas distribution), and Chandler, Arizona. The Lid body is the same basic design for all lids, and has been out in traffic conditions in large volume since November of year 2000. The initial production release contained a design flaw, which was immediately found and corrected. Since that experience, there have been no reported failures.

Pricing is contained in the data sheets for the Valve Boxes.

Safety Precautions
There are no known hazards to personnel working with the valve boxes, which would be caused by the boxes themselves. There is one operating caution to all personnel who will be working with Locking Lids. When Locking or Unlocking a lid, the Pentagon bolt should only be turned until initial resistance is felt. There is no need to turn further, and to do so may damage the mechanism. Leaving a lid in traffic with the lock turned firmly will result in early failure of the lid. This is due to unnatural stresses imposed on the center of the lid.

MSDS sheets are included for the four production materials.

Drawings are included in the package.

UV Inhibitors
The Locking Lid and the Full-Flange Service Ring at the top of the box are molded from ABS/PC polymer, and contain carbon black for UV Resistance. Expected life if 10-20 years, with a minimum guarantee of 10 years. The body and base of the Valve Boxes are molded in white, with only the natural UV resistance which Titanium Dioxide affords. Due to their installation underground, it is not anticipated that further protection is required. The natural properties are adequate for outdoor warehousing up to 2 years.

Compliance with CFR 49
The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, covers Interstate transmission of Natural Gas in pipelines. While the regulations cover aspects of pipes, valves, and vaults, they do not specifically cover valve boxes. The only item which might be construed to apply to Valve Boxes is the requirement that products used on gas transmission be marked with manufacturer and model number. All products supplied by Ampro will comply with these requirements, and any others which might be found to apply. Additionally, there is a requirement in two places that valve boxes and enclosures must be designed so that no surface load can be transmitted downwards to the underlying pipe. All AMPro valve boxes are designed to meet this requirement.

Celebrating 60 Years Serving the Gas and Water Industries